We offer a range of services at TG Strength to suit your needs and help you get closer to your lifting goals.

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Private Coaching

A session with one of our expert coaches will provides a private experience for individuals who want that attention to detail to their lifting. These sessions (either one-on-one or group) are a good way to help you polish up your technique before partaking in any weightlifting program.


On-Site/Remote Coaching

Learning the movements provides an initial understanding on how to move right for your body. However, to make the changes sustainable, programming and frequent feedback is vital. This is offered through membership which includes both coaching and programming.

If not on-site, the option of remote coaching is highly recommended. This encompasses both programming and coaching via video correspondence and specific feedback is given for every session within an individualised weightlifting program.


Seminars and Workshops

A seminar or workshop is an opportunity for you to learn more about the principles of the snatch and clean and jerk as well as the biomechanics governing these movements. The knowledge gained will provide a better understanding of the progressions within the lifts and ensure safe and effective movement.