eating less salt!

today's article in review talks about cutting the amount of salt you take in your diet. by reducing a small portion of the amount of salt you take, you actually lower ur risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attacks as effectively as reducing other health risks such as cholesterol, obesity and smoking. a small reduction would lower blood pressure levels which in turn affects heart problems. therefore, what is this article saying? simply look out for the amount of salt you use in your cooking or look at the sodium content of the products u buy in the nutritional facts. a small amount can help you lower your risk of heart problems by quite an amount.

today's workout:

"Helen" modified

6 rounds for time

200m run,

20kg kettlebell swings 11r (10r on the even rounds)

6 pull-ups


originally it's 3 rounds of a 400m run, 21 20kg kettlebell swings, 12 pull-ups for time. can do better but i will slowly train for it. but this is one of the workouts i always wanted to try. so at least i tried it!